Monday, November 10, 2008

Comfort Week - Heating Pad How-To

As the weather starts to turn colder, I'm always looking for a way to get extra warm and cozy. I love wrapping a heating pad around my neck after a long day at work. However, I've never found one in as stylish a fabric or that smelled as good as the one I made. It may look complicated, but it can be accomplished in a few easy steps.

What you'll need:
-fabric (about 1/2 a yard)
-sewing machine
-thread and needle
-your favorite essential oil (I chose lavender)

How to:
1. In a large bowl, mix rice with your essential oil. Add as much or as little oil as you prefer. Remember that the oil will smell stronger when you heat it up.

2. Fold the fabric in half (right sides together) and cut to your desired size. Note: I made mine bigger because I intended to use it more for my back rather then my neck.

3. Sew one short side and one long side with a 1/4" seam allowance.

4. Press seams apart and clip corners

5. Turn right side out.

6. Fill bag about 2/3 way with rice and essential oil mixture.

7. Hand sew the top to close.

Heat in the microwave for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and begin to relax.

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