Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can You Capture Thankfulness in a Jar?

(Photo courtesy of Hub Pages)
To most it would look like an old Pringles jar wrapped in pretty wrapping paper...and they would be right, but to me and my family it's much more. This is our Thanksgiving Thankfulness Jar. It began a long time ago, and each year on Thanksgiving it's pulled out again and set in a place of prominence. Throughout the day guests write what they are most thankful for on small strips of paper. At the end of dinner we pass the jar around and take turns pulling the strips of thankfulness out and reading them aloud. Each year we add to the jar, so mixed in with our current thanks you'll find the things we were thankful for over the last 10 years. It becomes a beautiful time of remembering, gratitude and recognition of the many blessings in our lives.

1 comment:

Brooke Meyenberg said...

Ohhh I caught your post just in the nick of time! :)

What a wonderful idea! I'm going to print little snippets of "What I'm Thankful For and Gratitude's" right now!

Beautiful blog, I'll be visiting often!