Saturday, August 23, 2008

The List

I am a list girl. There's the cleaning list, the shopping list, the to-do list, the list of books to read...the lists go on and on. They are usually on scratch pieces of paper with quick scribbles to help bring order to my life. I recently started a new list. A list of goals. I feel that the first step in achieving your goals is to put them into words and writing. So that's exactly what I did. The goals may be small achievements, but they are accomplishments none the less. Here are some of my goals: learn to make gnocchi, visit the Sculpture Garden in Seattle, learn about my family's history, sew a quilt, volunteer at the Special Olympics, bake a fancy cake, participate in a walk-a-thon, write a children's book (even if it's just for my own kids to read)... Over time I hope to check off these goals and create new ones. What are your goals? Whether they are big or small, I encourage you to write them down and make them a reality.

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