Thursday, September 25, 2008

Words of Wisdom

At my Grandpa's memorial service tomorrow guests will be able to take home strips of paper with words of wisdom that he was known for saying. I thought you might appreciate reading a few of them:

-Humming soothes the soul.
-No one will ever love you quite like your family does or with the same depth.
-The right answer, regardless of the question has been given us in the bible.
-I like you. I love you. You cannot be replaced.
-So, have a HAPPY day, a SUPER year and a GREAT rest of your life.
-The best part of going away is coming home.
-You can be what you want to be. You will be what you think you are.
-Education should never stop. There are so many interesting things to learn and enjoy.

He was a very wise and loving man. Thank you for all of your support. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I loved how beautiful those words were today Kyla...the way you presented them wrapped them perfectly as the treasure they are. I loved this man so very much and I can't believe he is gone. I am guessing all of your yearly birthday letters also end with the words you listed.."Have a HAPPY day, a SUPER year and a GREAT rest of your life.." Some of the sweetest words ever written.