Monday, September 22, 2008

The First Day of Fall

My Top 10 Favorite Things About Fall
(in no particular order)
1. The leaves changing color. My favorite are the ones that turn reddish orange like the inside of a blood orange.
2. Pumpkin anything. Pumpkin pie, iced pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin spice lattes...oh yum!
3. Crisp air. Just cold enough that you want to put on a sweater. It's always so refreshing.
4. A cup of hot cocoa and a movie in the evenings.
5. Picking out a pumpkin at a farm and having a carving contest.
6. Knitting. With so many new babies in my family, this season will be all about knitting baby blankets for me.
7. Going for walks and hikes that turn your cheeks rosy pink.
8. Cozy fires. Preferable sitting in front of one munching on previously mentioned pumpkin goodies.
9. Sitting outside at the cabin in front of the lake, wrapped in a blanket and reading a good book.
10. Breaking out all of my winter clothes. Pulling out all of my sweaters that have been packed away for the summer season is like getting a whole new wardrobe.

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