Friday, September 5, 2008

Here Come the In-Laws!

This weekend we'll be having my mother-in-law staying with us. I must say that I have been blessed with wonderful in-laws that I love very much. Ever since I can remember I have loved entertaining and having opportunities to have them stay overnight. I always want people to genuinely feel "at home", to feel welcome, loved and special. You can achieve this by adding a few special touches to your guest room.

Welcome Basket
Fill a container with goods your guest may need during their stay (i.e. travel size shampoo and soap, gum, nutrition bar, etc.) Make your guests feel extra special by including a map of the area or facts about sites their be visiting. When my in-laws were going to be visiting Sun Mountain Lodge, I put together a booklet that included information about the area and a list of recommended hikes.
Scented Sheets
Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on an unscented dryer sheet, and put it into the dryer with your guestroom bedding. When guests lie in bed the soothing scent of lavender will help them drift off to sleep. Note: Make sure the essential oil you choose is not colored.
A similar idea is featured in Martha Stewart this month. Fill a small spritz bottle with distilled water and add a few drops of essential oil. Guests can use this to spray the sheets, or spray on their face to freshen their skin.
Bedside Manner
Make sure your guests have everything they need right at their fingertips...including water. I love this idea from Martha to keep water cold on ice in a decorative container. Also keep the room stocked with magazines, fresh towels and maybe a fresh flower or two.

1 comment:

Lesley Miller said...

I love reading your home tips! We live in a one bedroom apartment so I always feel bad for our guests because they have to stay on an air mattress in our living room. I have baskets in our bathroom with little toiletry items though to make them feel at home. I love the water idea from Martha. Maybe I'll try that next time.

Just last night we finally got a french press coffee maker. I figured if I'm going to make my guests sleep on the floor they may need some delicious coffee when they wake up. :)