Monday, December 8, 2008

The Countdown Has Begun!

When I was growing up every day in December held a new surprise. A treasure. Sometimes small, sometimes big. These special treats were from our advent calendar. It was a snow covered house made out of paper boxes. Every day my sister and I would take turns opening the box for that day. Some days there would be a yummy piece of candy, and other days there would be the first clue to an intricate scavenger hunt leading to a holiday book or toy of some sort.

The advent calendar is special not only for the treats it brings, but also it's a daily reminder to have joy throughout the entire season. They originated from the German Lutherans who would count down the 24 days of Advent with a simple chalk mark. Now we are a bit more modern and detailed in our design. There are SO MANY creative options out there, but here are a few of my favorite advent calendars both to purchase or to create:

(Photo courtesy of Kaboose)

Santa's Advent Beard: A classic. Fill in Santa's beard with one cotton ball each day.

(Photo courtesy of Skip To My Lou)

Little Birdie Advent Calendar: A modern twist, and a fun DIY project.

(Photo courtesy of Target)

Gift Advent Calendar: A gift a day keeps the doctor away...

(Photo courtesy of Target)

Mirrored Advent Calendar: Add a little glamour to your day.

(Photo courtesy of Alpha Mom)

Paper Cup Advent Calendar: Now I realize this is a calendar for November using leftover Halloween candy, but use some red and green tissue paper and you're good to go for advent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you enjoy our traditions! The advent calendar is sitting in the window and I think of you and Katelyn as I turn each box!