Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wedding Whirlwind

Oh my neglected blog readers...thank you for your patience! The wedding in California was just beautiful! The bride was stunning and looked just like Cinderella. It was such a sweet time of catching up with old friends, celebrating the new couple and tearing up the dance floor.

The wedding day was a sweltering 103 degrees! This heat called for a way to cool down. Since we were in our dress-up clothes, running through a sprinkler wasn't an option. However, an In and Out chocolate milkshake did just the trick! Oh yum!

What's your favorite moment at a wedding? Mine is watching the groom's face as he sees his bride walk down the aisle. Priceless! The picture above captures all of the joy and happiness of their day. Congrats Katie and Mikey!

The next few days were filled with Disneyland, California Adventures and Universal Studios. What a blast! We were determined to fit it all in, and I think we actually went on every ride we had hoped to go on. We got home just in time for my brother-in-law's wedding. There's more to come on that wedding...I'm just waiting for the pictures, so stay tuned. :)